I got the ETC ( Electronic Toll Collection ) onboard unit. ETC system is non-stop payment system at a highway tollgate.
When my car goes through a tollgate, onboard unit communicates with roadside unit and pay toll automatically.
Anyway, it is VERY useful item, I think.

Now, I got the following unit (It is made by Panasonic, Model : CY-ET906KD )
It has the separate antenna which has small speaker and LED.
This unit can speak some words (cost and some information) in Japanese.
Below is an unit itself. We must insert the IC card in the ETC onboard unit before the car goes through a tollgate.

I installed this unit into my golf mk2 !
This unit has battery line, acc line and ground line. I connected those lines to the fuse box.

ETC onboard unit

Regarding the ETC unit, I installed it into the following place because the IC card is inserted during drive.
And I wanted to avoid the eyes of others.

This is the antenna ( including small speaker and blue LED).
This antenna should be put on the top of the front window. Please see below.

That's all !

For your reference, this is my IC card for ETC.