The one flange ( cylinder head ) had some leakage.
So I replaced it and replaced another flange and expansion tank ( This tank was VERY dirty....) .
Let's start !!
- | Needed Parts - |
| Hose flange kit, cylinder head : Kit includes flange, seal ring to head, three seal rings for sensor ports, one plug for sensor port and one retaining clips. |
- | Hose flange, cylinder head (Side) : This includes seal ring to head and one ring for sensor port. |
- | Expansion tank ('90-'92 type ) |
Hose flange kit

Replaced ! :)

Hose flange, cylinder head (Side)

Replaced ! ;-)

Expansion tank


After ! :D

When you open the hood, if the engine room is very clean, I think you will feel comfortable. ;-) So I recommend that you will also replace the expansion tank if it is very dirty.
Anyway, I finished the replacement ! :D